Saturday 13 April 2013

Cabinet of the United Kingdom

Cabinet of the United Kingdom
Prime Minister
First Lord of the Treasury
Minister for the Civil Service
The Rt Hon. David Cameron MP
Deputy Prime Minister
Lord President of the Council
The Rt Hon. Nick Clegg MP
First Secretary of State
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
The Rt Hon. William Hague MP
Chancellor of the ExchequerThe Rt Hon. George Osborne MP
Chief Secretary to the TreasuryThe Rt Hon. Danny Alexander MP
Secretary of State for the Home DepartmentThe Rt Hon. Theresa May MP
Secretary of State for DefenceThe Rt Hon. Philip Hammond MP
Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills
President of the Board of Trade
The Rt Hon. Dr Vince Cable MP
Secretary of State for Work and PensionsThe Rt Hon. Iain Duncan Smith MP
Lord Chancellor
Secretary of State for Justice
The Rt Hon. Chris Grayling MP
Secretary of State for EducationThe Rt Hon. Michael Gove MP
Secretary of State for Communities and Local GovernmentThe Rt Hon. Eric Pickles MP
Secretary of State for HealthThe Rt Hon. Jeremy Hunt MP
Leader of the House of Lords
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
The Rt Hon. The Lord Hill of Oareford PC
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsThe Rt Hon. Owen Paterson MP
Secretary of State for International DevelopmentThe Rt Hon. Justine Greening MP
Secretary of State for ScotlandThe Rt Hon. Michael Moore MP
Secretary of State for Energy and Climate ChangeThe Rt Hon. Ed Davey MP
Secretary of State for TransportThe Rt Hon. Patrick McLoughlin MP
Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
Minister for Women and Equality
The Rt Hon. Maria Miller MP
Secretary of State for Northern IrelandThe Rt Hon. Theresa Villiers MP
Secretary of State for WalesThe Rt Hon. David Jones MP
Also attending Cabinet meetings
Minister without PortfolioThe Rt Hon. Kenneth Clarke QC MP
Leader of the House of Commons
Lord Privy Seal
The Rt Hon. Andrew Lansley CBE MP
Chief Whip in the House of Commons
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury
The Rt Hon. Sir George Young Bt CH MP
Minister for the Cabinet Office
Paymaster General
The Rt Hon. Francis Maude MP
Minister of State for Government PolicyThe Rt Hon. Oliver Letwin MP
Minister of State for the Cabinet Office
Minister of State for Schools
The Rt Hon. David Laws MP
Minister without Portfolio
Co-Chairman of the Conservative Party
The Rt Hon. Grant Shapps MP
Senior Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Senior Minister of State for Faith and Communities
The Rt Hon. The Baroness Warsi PC
Minister of State for Universities and ScienceThe Rt Hon. David Willetts MP
Also attends Cabinet when ministerial responsibilities are on the agenda
Attorney GeneralThe Rt Hon. Dominic Grieve QC MP

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